Virginia Cornwell is a Franklin County Family Law Attorney and an Ohio State Bar Association Certified Family Relations Specialist.
Normally, when you file a court case, you do not get to select your judge. You get who you get. When you use a private judge for your dissolution, however, you can select the private judge that you use. Sometimes this is important. Some Judges may be more or less likely to make your dissolution go through smoothly, depending on the issues involved. An attorney experienced with using a private judge for dissolutions will know what to expect, for the most part, and can select the private judge that is the most likely to give you a smooth dissolution experience.
For example, you may have an overseas military member that would like to attend the hearing via skype. Some private judges are not willing to do this, whereas others will consider it on a case by case basis.
CALL NOW at (614) 225-9316
There are many other examples of why your attorney would select one judge or another, depending on the facts of your case and your goals. The point, is, that an experienced attorney can help you select the private judge that is best for you and the facts of your case.
Your final hearing would be right in your attorney’s office, and you never have to go to court. Your attorney files the paperwork and gets a file-stamped copy for you. This can avoid the stress of the court house experience.
CALL NOW at (614) 225-9316
Need some help? We would be happy to schedule a consultation with you. Please give us a call, and one of our Dissolution Attorneys will meet with you to discuss your case.
Virginia Cornwell is an Ohio State Bar Association Certified Family Relations Specialist.
DISCLAIMER – Read it, it’s important!
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