Click WYANDOT COUNTY VISITATION SCHEDULE to download a pdf version of the rule.
PLEASE TAKE NOTE: Counties change their local visitation schedules. The county you live in may have changed their rule(s) yesterday. The county you live in may have different visitation schedules for Juvenile Court and Domestic Court. The rule may have been changed or updated since the last time this web page was updated. In addition, if you already have a visitation schedule pursuant to local rule, and that schedule was attached to your parenting time orders, it is POSSIBLE that the court did not mean for YOUR visitation schedule to change if the local visitation schedule in your county changes. The local visitation schedules are put on this website as a courtesy and are updated as often as possible. They are NOT legal advice and they are NOT meant to help you figure out if a decision you are about to make would be a violation of an existing court order. If you want to make sure that you have the most current version of the local rule in your county, you can either look on your county Clerk of Court’s website, go to your local Clerk of Court’s office, or call your local Clerk of Court.
Click here to get a list of phone numbers for the Clerk of Court in your county.
If you know that the court in this county has implemented a new rule, PLEASE tell us by e-mailing us at and we will update our website.
The office of the Clerk of Court cannot give you legal advice. This website, although prepared in part by attorneys, cannot and does not give you legal advice. You can only get legal advice by talking to an attorney of your choice about the facts of your case, and the law as it applies to the facts of your case.
If you understand the information you have just read and would like to see the most recent local rule visitation schedule we have on our website, see the information below, or, if need be, click the “more” link below.
In any domestic relations case, or paternity or child support case in the juvenile division,
barring otherwise extraordinary circumstances, the term “reasonable parenting time” shall mean
whatever the parties may be able to agree upon and found by the Court to be in the child(ren)’s best
interest. If in the event the parties should disagree, then said term shall be interpreted to mean that
the non-custodial parent shall have parenting time as follows, unless otherwise Ordered by the
1. Alternate weekends from Friday evenings at 6:00 p.m. to Sunday evenings at 6:00 p.m.
2. For the purpose of parenting time, there are six (6) holidays to be divided between the
1. Martin Luther King Day
2. Easter
3. Memorial Day
4. July 4th
5. Labor Day
6. Thanksgiving
In odd-numbered years the mother shall have the child(ren) on the odd-numbered holidays,
and the father shall have parenting time on the even-numbered holidays. In the even-numbered
years, the father shall have the odd-numbered holidays and the mother the even-numbered holidays.
The above Holiday visitation shall occur from 8:30 A.M. – 6:00 P.M. with Holiday visitation
taking precedent over regular visitation. When the non-residential parent has a holiday which falls
on a day which abuts the non-residential parents weekend either just prior to or immediately
following that weekend, then in that event the holiday and weekend shall go forward uninterrupted
as one block of parenting time.
3. In the odd-numbered years, the mother shall have the child(ren) on Christmas Day at 2:00
p.m. until January 1 at 6:00 p.m. and the father shall have the child(ren) on Christmas Eve at 6:00
p.m. until Christmas Day at 2:00 p.m. In the even-numbered years, the Christmas schedule is
reversed and the Father shall have the child(ren) on Christmas Day at 2:00 p.m. until January 1 at
6:00 p.m. and the mother shall have the child(ren) on Christmas Eve at 6:00 p.m. until Christmas
Day at 2:00 p.m.
Holiday visitation over the Christmas holiday schedule shall take precedence over any other
4. On Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, no matter whose turn for parenting time, the child(ren)
shall be with the Mother on Mother’s Day and the Father on Father’s Day from 8:30 am. to 6:00 p.m.
5. A four week (4) parenting time period each summer, to be arranged from the moment the
vacation schedules are posted so that the parties have an opportunity to take the child(ren) for
vacations. The four weeks may be taken in one week or two week increments but for no longer than
two weeks at a time. A week is defined as five day increments and shall not interfere with the other
parent’s weekend parenting time as described in section 1 of this rule.
No parenting time shall occur with the non-residential parent within seven days of school starting
except that said rule shall not interfere with the non-residential parent’s weekend parenting time as
described in section 1 of this rule.
6. Each parent must provide the other parent, in writing, with destination, times of arrival
and departure, and method of travel if the summer companionship consists of a vacation outside the
parent’s community.
7. The child shall celebrate his/her birthday in the home of the custodial parent, unless it
falls on a parenting time day in which case the birthday will be spent with the non-residential parent.
8. The non-residential parent has the responsibility for picking up and returning the
child(ren). The non-residential parent, if unavailable for pick-up or delivery, must use an adult wellknown
to the child(ren). All persons transporting the child(ren) must comply with the law, have
reliable transportation, and must be properly licensed and insured.
9. The child(ren), and/or custodial parent, have no duty to await the non-custodial parent
for more than thirty (30) minutes past the parenting time. A parent late more than thirty (30)
minutes shall forfeit that parenting time unless it is due to an unavoidable delay. If due to an
unavoidable delay and the non-custodial parent is not able to exercise parenting time at the stated
time, the custodial parent shall be notified promptly and a mutually agreeable alternate time shall
be set. The non-custodial parent shall give this notice as soon as possible after he/she learns that
he/she will be unable to exercise parenting time at the stated time.
10. If a child becomes ill or injured, warranting the giving of medication or consultation
with a doctor or dentist, each parent must notify the other parent as soon as possible. If the
child(ren) becomes ill while with the residential parent prior to a scheduled companionship period,
the residential parent must contact the non-residential parent and discuss the advisability of whether
the companionship should take place with the best interests of the child(ren) as the primary
consideration. No visitation shall be denied unless interference is caused by acts of God, natural
disaster, or illness or injury that is verified by written orders from a doctor stating that parenting
time should not occur. If parenting time is missed by the non-residential parent due to illness or
injury of the child, a like period of makeup parenting time shall occur the following weekend and
the next weekend the non-residential parent will again have parenting time so that the normal
alternating weekend schedule detailed in section 1 will remain unchanged once the missed visitation
is made up. If there is more than one child subject to this order, all the child(ren) stay together so
that if a parenting time is missed due to illness of one child, all the child(ren) miss that parenting
time. Likewise when the parenting time is made up, all the child(ren) go for the make up parenting
11. All necessary medication and health care equipment shall follow the child. The
residential parent must provide written instructions and sufficient medication to last during the
parenting time period to the non-residential. The non-residential parent must notify the residential
parent if the child’s condition worsens, or does not improve as might reasonably be expected.
12. The residence of the child(ren) is not to be removed from the State of Ohio without first
obtaining a modified parenting time order from the Court of Common Pleas.
13. Each parent must keep the other parent informed of his or her current residential address
and current residential telephone number, and an alternate number in case of an emergency. In
addition, the non-residential parent must inform the residential parent of the address and telephone
number where visitation will occur if not at the residential address.
A. Clothing: The residential parent is responsible to provide sufficient clean clothing
for every parenting time period. If the non-residential parent has a planned activity
requiring special clothing, the non-residential parent must notify the residential
parent at least two (2) days in advance. If the child(ren) does not have the type of
clothing requested, the residential parent is under no obligation to comply with the
request. All clothing sent by the residential parent must be returned with the
child(ren) at the end of the parenting time period. If parenting time lasts more than
three (3) days, all clothing must be laundered when returned with the child(ren).
B. Teenagers: A regular parenting time period between the child and non-residential
parent may become more difficult as the child(ren) ages and have more activities
outside the family unit, obtains a driver’s license, dates, works and spends time with
friends. The parents need to respect their teenager opting to spend more time with
friends or in organized activities and less time with each parent, especially weekends
and summers. Maximum flexibility in scheduling is absolutely necessary for a child
of this age. Within limits it is advisable to consider the teenager’s wishes, as long as
the parents agree.
C. Activities of the child(ren): Parents should discuss placement of child(ren) in
activities. Activities should be encouraged that develop and/or enhance a child’s
talent, experience, and socialization. A reasonable parent understands the
importance of such activities and will attempt to accommodate those activities. A
reasonable parent also understands that a child should not be overburdened with
This rule shall be effective MAY 26, 2004 at 4:30 P.M. and shall be
subject to amendments from time to time as the Court deems necessary.
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