A Columbus Ohio Child Support Lawyer article about cash medical support and changes to Ohio child support.
- Cash medical support is becoming part of child support in Ohio.
- The Custodial Parent will not have to pay cash medical support orders in Ohio.
- Ohio obligors (the person who owes support) who have private health insurance available to them at a reasonable cost will be required to enroll their child in health insurance.
- In Ohio, a “reasonable cost” for health insurance means that the cost of health insurance does not exceed 5% of the obligor’s income.
- If health insurance is available at a reasonable cost and is discontinued, child support will go up to include the additional cash medical support amount WITHOUT notice or opportunity for hearing to the obligor.
- Obligors will still have the opportunity to request a mistake of fact hearing, but the scope of those hearings is very limited.
- The additional cash medical support component to Ohio child support is called a “cash medical support order”.
- If a child is on Medicaid (including Molina, Care Source, etc.), the cost of the Medicaid will be off set by the cash medical support amount collected (meaning the government will have first “dibs” on the medical support).
- If you think the new Ohio cash medical support orders are designed to reimburse the government for the cost of Medicaid, you are right.
- Obligors whose income is below the national poverty level for that fiscal year will not have to pay cash medical support.
D says
I’m not sure if I understand the text..cash medical is NOT when you need a order for out of pocket medical expenses for a child with disabilities? Or is this included in child support?
J says
What form do I submit to the court to ask Obligor to reimburse for cash medical support as per a support order dated October, 2014. FCCSEA states they do not attempt to enforce the cash medical support portion of the order.
I have sent copies of the excess medical expenses 6 times to Obligor’s home, work, wife’s work, etc. all to no avail. The certified mailings via the court remain unclaimed.
B says
Its not suppose to make since its all. courts are for the women bottom line.
Anonymous says
I don’t get it. If the child is already receiving medical care from being on Medicaid the parent paying child support should not have to pay for medical, since everything is covered by the insurance she already has.
M says
If the obligor and the obligee have both been providing insurance ( even thought the obligee is not required to) and the obligor loses their job through no fault of their own is the obligor required to pay the cash medical support payment? I can see the increased child support amount but I do not understand why the cash medical support when there is insurance in place at reasonable cost to the obligee?