When a Judge or Magistrate holds a person in contempt of court for failure to comply with or interference with a parenting time or visitation order, there are numerous penalties that can be imposed, such as jail time, fines, awards of court costs and /or attorney fees to the aggrieved party, and an order for make-up parenting time.
In addition, ORC 3109.04 and ORC 3109.051 specifically state that denial of time and willingness to obey the orders are relevant factors the Judge or Magistrate must consider when determining what is in the best interest of the child. Continuous and willful denial of the ordered time is a factor which may be found to be a change of circumstances, and the Judge may find that it is in the best interest of the child to change the residential parent or school placement parent.
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Pursuant to Ohio Revised Code 2705.05, the court can impose the following fines:
- 1st Offense: Up to $250
- 2nd Offense: Up to $500
- 3rd Offense: Up to $1,000
In addition to all the other penalties, if a person is found in violation of or to have interfered with parenting time or visitation, pursuant to Ohio Revised Code 2705.05, the Judge can sentence the person who is in contempt of court to jail time as follows:
- 1st Offense: Up to 30 days in jail
- 2nd Offense: Up to 60 days in jail
- 3rd Offense: Up to 90 days in jail
CALL NOW (614) 225-9316
If a court finds that a person is in contempt of a custody or visitation order, Ohio Revised Code 3109.051(K) REQUIRES the Judge or Magistrate to charge all court costs arising out of the contempt proceeding against the person in contempt.
If a court finds that a person is in contempt of the orders regarding time with the child, Ohio Revised Code 3109.051(K) REQUIRES the Judge or Magistrate to order the person in contempt to pay “any reasonable attorney’s fees of any adverse party, as determined by the court, that arose in relation to the act of contempt”.
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Pursuant to a court has the authority to, but is not required to, order make-up time for the parenting time missed as a result of the acts of contempt. Generally, if holiday parenting time was missed, then similar or identical holiday parenting time is what the court will require to be made up. For example, if you plan to keep the child for Christmas this year, in violation of the Judge or Magistrate’s order, then chances are good you will not see your child on Christmas next year, and possibly for the next two years.
If a person is found to be in contempt of an existing order, the Judge or Magistrate may find the parent’s willful disregard of the orders to be a change in circumstance, and may find that it is in the best interest of the child to change which parent is the residential parent or school placement parent. The Judge or Magistrate does not do this on it’s own, but if the other parent filed a motion to change custody, or school placement parent along with his or her Motion for Contempt, the court may find that the benefit of the change outweighs the harm and give custody, to the other parent.
CALL NOW (614) 225-9316
Ohio Revised Code 3109.04 requires the Judge or Magistrate to consider, among other factors, the following matters when determining what is in the best interest of the child:
- The parent more likely to honor and facilitate court-approved parenting time rights or visitation and companionship rights;
- Whether the residential parent or one of the parents subject to a shared parenting decree has continuously and willfully denied the other parent’s right to parenting time in accordance with an order of the court;
Ohio Revised Code 3109.051 requires the court to consider, among other factors, the following matters when determining what is in the best interest of the child:
- Each parent’s willingness to reschedule missed parenting time and to facilitate the other parent’s parenting time rights, and with respect to a person who requested companionship or visitation, the willingness of that person to reschedule missed visitation;
- Whether the residential parent or one of the parents subject to a shared parenting decree has continuously and willfully denied the other parent’s right to parenting time in accordance with an order of the court.
CALL NOW (614) 225-9316
This is the 2nd installment in a series about enforcing visitation with Contempt written by Virginia Cornwell. Virginia is a Franklin CountyOhio Custody Lawyer and Ohio State Bar Association Certified Family Relations Specialist. Virginia is one of approximate 100 attorneys in Ohio to have received this honor.
The other articles in the contempt series can be seen below:
The information provided in this web site is applicable in the state of Ohio and is provided as a public service. While Virginia Cornwell is a Columbus Ohio Contempt Lawyerand a Columbus Ohio ContemptAttorney, viewing the information in this web site does not constitute an attorney-client communication, and acting upon information obtained from this web site does not create an attorney-client relationship. If you would like to discuss the application of the law to your fact situation, you can make an appointment with the attorney or law firm of your choice.
P says
Can a parent deny visitation rights to another parent if they have shared custody?
If a parent has denied visitation rights to the other parent for over a year under the the share custody. What can the other parent due?
H says
I have a 6 yrs old son and his father has a temporary visitation at the moment I found out that my boyfriend had Covid and we had to be quarantined for 2 weeks so I didn’t send my son with the father because of this can I be held in contempt I have the email also stating that my boyfriend had it and we live in the house hold with him also
W says
My child support papers state that I’m supposed to have the right to claim my children every other year but my ex has continued to claim them every year. When I complained to child support they said they didn’t handle that and I needed to contact the IRS. The IRS said they don’t have anything to do w6this.
A says
Will I loose my kids to an abusive father? I took them to protect them and I’m in contempt my boys don’t want and are afraid to go back. Also the other patents girlfriend inappropriately touched them. I’m in contempt for breaking the orders isn’t this a law to keep ur kids safe???? Please reply Thank you
T says
I have my ex shared parenting of my two girls 5 years ago and as time goes by he is getting worse thair is no communication between use regarding my girl at all he has denied me the right to even have my children in the summer when I’m supposed to have them I hardly even get to speak to them any more he’s been having others claim them every year instead of me he’s denying me every thing and trying to push me away from my children for good
E says
I filed for contempt of court for non-payment of support and my ex was ordered to pay arrears within 60 days or his income tax return was to be intercepted. He never paid; his return was intercepted but still didn’t cover arrears. During the time I waited on the income tax, my ex never made any payments. Which put him further in arrears. We have another hearing coming up because i filed a motion for contempt again…how long will this go on? By the way, I live in Monroe county Ohio.
T says
My ex has lied on all documents. Plus saying to all agency’s schools,Cps Councelers that there is an order preventing me from all contact information and medical records. How will the judge see those actions.
Anonymous says
My childrens father has full custody of my 14 yr old, my 12 yr old and my 10 yr old. I could not afford an attorney for the divorce and custody because everything I had I took care of the kids. Their father met a woman with a lot of money and connections. She could never have any children and she is in her mid 50 s and is trying to take mine away from me. Anyways, he has full custody of the children and there was a court order on the 8th of january that stated that I could have standard order of visitation and his attorney was supposed to get me a papers as to when it starts. It should have started a couple of weeks ago. I have called his attorneys office twice and the last time I called her secretary said it would be sent out to me asap. The last time I called was on Weds 2/6/13. I have texted 2 friendly texts about the Magistrates ruling of standard order of visitation for me and he won’t comply. I have not been rude or threatening. I need help…….
J says
What happens if the other parent has full custody, and denies you visitation, and you have prrof of this.